Burgers category header image
Todos contém batata frita.
All burgers include fries.
X-Burger Simples
Pão, alface, tomate, hamburger, queijo, presunto e batata frita. Bun, lettuce, tomatoes, beef patty, cheese, ham and fries.
X-Frango Simples
Pão, alface, tomate, peito de frango, queijo, presunto e batata frita. Bun, lettuce, tomatoes, chicken breast, cheese, ham and fries.
X-Tudo Burguer
Pão, alface, tomate, milho verde, salsicha, ovo, hamburger, queijo, presunto, bacon e batata frites. Bun, lettuce, tomatoes, sweetcorn, sausage, egg, beef patty, cheese, ham, bacon and fries.
X-Tudo Frango
Pão, alface, tomate, milho verde, salsicha, ovo, peito de frango, queijo, presunto, bacon e batata frites. Bun, lettuce, tomatoes, sweetcorn, sausage, egg, chicken breast, cheese, ham, bacon and fries.
X-Tudo Bacon
Pão, alface, tomate, milho verde, salsicha, ovo, hamburger, queijo, presunto, extra bacon e batata frita. Bun, lettuce, tomatoes, sweetcorn, sausage, egg, beef patty, cheese, ham, double bacon and fries.
X-Tudo Picanha
Pão, alface, tomate, milho verde, salsicha, ovo, picanha, queijo, presunto, bacon e batata frita. Bun, lettuce, tomatoes, sweetcorn, sausage, egg, rump steak, cheese, ham, bacon and fries.
X-Tudo Burger E Calabresa
Pão, alface, tomate, milho verde, salsicha, ovo, hamburger, queijo, presunto, calabresa, bacon e batata frita. Bun, lettuce, tomatoes, sweetcorn, sausage, egg, beef patty, cheese, ham, Brazilian sausage, bacon and fries.
X-Tudo Frango E Calabresa
Pão, alface, tomate, milho verde, salsicha, ovo, peito de frango, queijo, presunto, calabresa, bacon e batata frita. Bun, lettuce, tomatoes, sweetcorn, sausage, egg, chicken breast, cheese, ham, Brazilian sausage, bacon and fries.
X-Tudo Monster
Pão, alface, tomate, milho verde, salsicha, ovo, hamburger, peito de frango, picanha, queijo extra, presunto, calabresa, extra bacon e batata frita.

Bun, lettuce, tomatoes, sweetcorn, sausage, egg, beef patty, chicken breast, rump steak, double cheese, ham, Brazilian sausage, double bacon and fries.